F.A.Q / Help
When is the release date? | 23rd November, 2023. |
What platforms will KNUCKLE SANDWICH be on? | It will be available on itch.io and Steam for home computers. |
Is KNUCKLE SANDWICH still coming to OSX? | Yes, that's the plan. Just making sure the Windows version works well beforehand. |
What kind of game is KNUCKLE SANDWICH? | It's a turn-based RPG with very short (around 10-15 seconds long) minigames mixed into the battles. |
What kind of RPG elements are there? | There are stats, leveling up, items, equipment, and special attacks (these are minigames). The game is pretty light on RPG features otherwise, but there is still a good amount of customisation. |
How long does it take to beat KNUCKLE SANDWICH? | It's roughly 10+ hours to beat the story. |
Will KNUCKLE SANDWICH be on consoles? | I'll announce that if it happens. Please don't message me about this! |
Will it be localised to different languages? | I'll announce that if it happens. Please don't message me about this! |
Can I help out on the game? | I'm not looking for any additional collaborators. Please don't message me about this! |
What is KNUCKLE SANDWICH being made in? | GameMaker Studio. |
What games inspired KNUCKLE SANDWICH? | Pokémon, Contact, Superstar Saga, Rhythm Heaven, Killer 7, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and WarioWare. |
When did you start working on KNUCKLE SANDWICH? |
Long answer: I was originally working on a flash game of the same name back in 2013. It is very, very different to the game I made now, but some of the characters and locations are the same. In 2015, I started to remake it as a bigger game with GameMaker Studio. I eventually overhauled everything and started fresh with a completely different story sometime during 2017. Short answer: A really long time ago! |
I'm a Kickstarter backer and I'm having trouble claiming my Steam key! | You'll need to have an itch.io account with the same email used for Kickstarter linked to it. If you're still having issues, get in touch! |
Does KNUCKLE SANDWICH work on the Steamdeck? | No, it does not. |
Will the Kickstarter backer rewards be available to buy later? | Those items are specific to the campaign, sorry! |
I want to report a bug! | Feel free to post it in the Discord server. |
If your question isn't answered above, contact: